Manager - London, Ontario

Miriam has loved princesses since she was a little girl. Having grown up watching the Princess movies it is a dream come true to open up her own branch of My Perfect Princess Party in the London area after working for the Toronto branch of My Perfect Princess Party for four years.?
Click here to go to the London website
Miriam is a recent graduate of the Theatre program at York University and the Bachelor of Education program at the University of Western Ontario. She is currently a certified teacher in Ontario.
Miriam has been singing and acting for over 15 years. Some of her favourite roles include Cinderella in Into the Woods, Snow White in Snow White, Princess Briar Rose in Sleeping Beauty, Hermia in A Midsummer Nights Dream and Chava in Fiddler on the Roof.
Miriam loves to work with children and it is her goal to make each child feel like a princess and to create special memories that will last a lifetime.
Comments about Miriam from moms:
She is so beautiful and she sings like an angel, we really thought we had The Little Mermaid at our party.
Julie, Etobicoke
All the kids loved her and her voice was amazing even the adults thought she really was Sleeping Beauty.
Millie, Whitby